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The Full Story

BUSINESSMAN TV LLC (BMTV LLC) is proud to be a prime contract holder, collaborating with a network of trusted subcontractors to deliver top-tier creative solutions. Our Unique Entity ID is NQ49CPZ588J6, our CAGE/NCAGE code is 9KPG4, and our D&B number is 121725870.


As a full-service creative agency, BMTV LLC offers a comprehensive suite of services including freelance photography, videography, graphics, logos, advertising, social media services, casting calls, and video editing. Our highly skilled and experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional results tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.


Whether you require assistance with a single project or ongoing support, BMTV LLC is equipped to handle your creative needs with the highest level of professionalism and expertise. Partner with us to bring your vision to life and achieve your goals.

For more information on how we can collaborate, please contact us at or (424) 375-9858.

Let’s Work Together

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